Senior Marketing Specialists University

Presented by: Angelo Therese — Regional Sales Director


By 2020, all states under ONE health and wellness program



  • WA, OR, NV, ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, KS, OK, TX, MN, IA, MO, LA,MI, KY, TN, MS, AL, WV, MD, DE, NJ, and NY

Starting 1/1/19 :

  • CA, UT, AZ, WI, IL, IN, OH, NC, CT


  • CO, NE, AR, GA, SC, VA, PA, DC

Currently do not have a program:

  • AK, HI, NM, FL, VT, MA, RI, ME


Available resources: (more than just a gym membership!)

  • Telephonic wellness coaching
  • Online resources
  • Classes and events
  • 24/7 access to a nurse
  • 50% gym discount
    • it doesn’t mean ABC Gym is charging full price and UHC refunds… The client will pay 50% and UHC will reimburse the gym for the rest
  • New members will be able to access in their respective markets 1/1… if there’s a gym that they go to that’s not in network, they can nominate the gym to be a part of the network
  • You’ll be able to access that list of gyms at a separate website


The Fitness Center network includes affiliations with:

  • 24 Hour Fitness
  • Anytime Fitness
  • LA Fitness
  • Snap Fitness
  • Curves
  • Lifetime Fitness
  • YMCA
  • Planet Fitness


Current insured members can nominate a fitness cetner by calling UHC at 1-888-887-5963

  • Process much simpler to nominate compared to SilverSneakers


Clients: go to and click on Fitness page to find additional information

Agents: to check gyms on a regular basis


Very few people went to the gym with SilverSneakers…. Few knew what to do or can get to the gym.

This wellness coaching is a way to get people to the gym, the people on the Telephonic Wellness Coaching line have Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in their field.

  • Kinesiology, nutrition, exercise science, dietetics, health education, and psychology
  • Can help with:
    • Diabetes lifestyle
    • Weight management
    • Heart health
    • Tobacco cessation
    • Nutrition
    • Exercise
    • Stress management
    • Fall prevention
  • Advice on at-home workouts, dietary help (diabetics), etc.
  • Clients establish a relationship with the SAME wellness coach
    • Coaches are aware of the clients’ circumstances, able to build a plan over time
  • Specific to UHC AARP Medicare Supplements… unheard of with other Med Supps!


Current members will be able to access, designed specifically for members

Video available to see how to use website, great source of information to get members out of the home


If people stay in the house all the time, higher rates of depression and sickness

  • Availability of health/exercise inside the house and outside
  • Offered at various times and venues, such as fitness centers, YMCAs, churches, & community centers.
  • Many are led by a local health specialist from UHC with a registered dietician and a Bachelor’s/Masters in health
  • Helps members by being active outside the house (walking) or meeting others by participating in senior-centric classes
  • Classes available online and in-person
  • Review the website with the member when you enroll the client in a Med Supp


Classes include:

  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Walking
  • Balance and stability
  • Healthy ways to manage stress
  • Leading a heart-healthy lifestyle


Immediate access to nurse 24/7:

  • Discuss health concerns
  • Ask questions about diagnosis, medication, or treatment options,
  • Get help finding a doctor/specialist
  • Connect with other resources (pharmacy, working with provider, etc.)


Licensed social workers are also available to assist with:

  • Accessing transportation
  • Medication payment options
  • Arranging in-home meal delivery


Agents: Participating fitness centers are posted on about 2 months ahead of when Health and Wellness Resources become available in a new state


Case Scenarios:


For Caregivers:

Caregiving is extremely stressful…

  • there’s now a wellness coach available to help with stress management of caregiving
  • Clients can call a registered nurse anytime to learn about treatment options
  • Discounted fitness membership to stay healthy and make social connections
  • com includes self-paced programs to help reduce stress


For Rural Folks:

  • 24/7 Nurse Hotline
  • Can talk to Wellness Coach to help manage diet and meet wellness goals
  • Website can show what’s available with healthy living, brain games, and exercise programs


For Active Seniors:

  • Can work one-on-one with a wellness coach to set up a training plan
  • Joining a fitness center can help train using classes/equipment that may not be available at home
  • com shows healthy recipes and wellness videos


Test Market for New Members: Alabama

  • 31% cited Health & Wellness resources as influential in decision to purchase a Med Supp plan
  • 70% considered other plans, and are aware of at least one service, perceive the AARP Med Supp Plan to provide better health and wellness services
  • 76% recalled receiving information about health and wellness services
  • 69% would turn to the plan for information, guidance, and support related to health & wellness needs

Approximately 1 in 4 people said they were influenced by the availability of health and wellness resources


Health & Wellness LearnSource module: 20-25 minute optional course on Jarvis (accessed in the same place as certifications)


Marketing pieces — for states that newly have this, clients have already been sent information and agents have a Health & Wellness Resources page


Also sent an email about new resource  — we can send this if needed!


Angelo’s been in the industry for 45 years — we bring a lot of joy and dedication to the senior market!



Q: 50% payment toward gym — is that 50% for all gym memberships or will that percentage of coverage vary?

A: The percentage will stay the same… if you live in Seattle, a retail gym membership could be $75. Boise may be $50… UHC will pay 50% regardless of cost.


Q: How does this compare to RenewActive for MA? How is this different, specifically about the online coaches?

A: Not sure. Angelo doesn’t deal with MA plans… one basic difference. There is no 50% share cost on MA plans, RenewActive pays full retail membership.


Q: Do you have an estimate of how many consumers will actually utilizing SilverSneakers? Also, if someone is losing their SilverSneakers, is there any good wording to give this a positive spin?

A: Overall, 16-17 states offered SilverSneakers… probably 1-2 million people were covered. Participation was less than 5% nationally… for someone who is losing SilverSneakers, SilverSneakers is about one thing only… going to the gym. If you go to the gym 2-5 days per week and now you have to pay 50%, they probably won’t be happy… this program is a more complete wellness program, much more comprehensive. More than just a gym membership… so if you’re going to the gym regularly, maybe you don’t need the wellness coaching for that, but perhaps you can use it for dietary help.

SilverSneakers: maybe access to events, maybe not… Health & Wellness program gives a broader range of activities and classes to take advantage of, website shows everything.

  1. Comprehensive wellness program
  2. Access to Wellness Coaches
  3. Access to variety of class options & social events


There will be some members who won’t be happy regardless of what we tell them… that’s just the way life is. We can share our goals:

  • Help a broader base of people, more people.
  • It’s a known fact that when people actually pay for something, they have a greater tendency of using that service. More people end up utilizing the


Q: Is there any equipment that gets sent to the members if they are in rural areas and can’t get to the gym?

A: No kit sent, this includes coaching and online benefits

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